Thursday, July 18, 2019


The syllable gu means darkness; the syllable ru means to dispel;
One who dispels darkness is thus named Guru
— Advayataraka Upanishad, Verse 16


  1. Dakshinamurthy is an aspect of Lord shiva as GURU. By worshipping Him, one is led to true knowledge, wisdom and complete awareness. He is the symbolic representation of YOGA, MUSIC and all SHASTRAS.

    1. Dakshinamurthy is an aspect of Lord shiva as GURU. By worshipping Him, one is led to true knowledge, wisdom and complete awareness. He is the symbolic representation of YOGA, MUSIC and all SHASTRAS.

      Chandra Ramesh


Surrender to the Holy Feet

Rendering of the Holy Feet of Lord Balaji at Tirumala. Materials used: Pencil and charcoal.  चरणं पवित्रं विततं पुराणं येन पूतस्तरति दुष्कृत...