Thursday, October 3, 2019

Turn Around!


  1. A great philosophy. The Divine Love and the worldly love cannot be retained together into the same heart. This material world, is in fact like a shadow. If you turn your back towards the sun, your shadow would be in front of you,, and if you go forward to capture your shadow, your shadow would run ahead of you. and can never be captured by you. Whereas, if you turn your back towards your shadow, and run facing the sun, your shadow will run after you. Similarly, if you turn away from God, and run behind the pleasures of the material world, you can never capture them; but if you turn towards God, diverting from the world, it would start running after you.
    The understanding and the impact which cannot be easily conveyed by the above passage containing nearly 120 words is very easily conveyed by the two cartoons. Good initiative. Well done.


Surrender to the Holy Feet

Rendering of the Holy Feet of Lord Balaji at Tirumala. Materials used: Pencil and charcoal.  चरणं पवित्रं विततं पुराणं येन पूतस्तरति दुष्कृत...